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Together With Enchante Methode De Francais 1


By Archna Khurana (Author)   By  Rachna Sagar Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2015
ISBN :9788181379689
Language :French
Rack No. :KOL/234/6/135
Pages :116
Publisher :Rachna Sagar Private Limited


"Together With Enchante Methode De Francais 1" by Archna Khurana is a comprehensive French language textbook designed for beginners. The book covers all aspects of learning French, including vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural insights. The main themes of the book revolve around building a strong foundation in the French language through interactive exercises, engaging dialogues, and practical vocabulary. The book follows a structured approach to language learning, starting with basic concepts and gradually progressing to more advanced topics. Key features of the book include colorful illustrations, audio resources for pronunciation practice, and a variety of exercises to reinforce learning. The book also includes cultural notes to help students understand the nuances of French language and customs. Positive reviews of the book praise its clear explanations, engaging content, and effective learning strategies. Readers appreciate the book's user-friendly layout and its focus on practical language skills. Overall, "Together With Enchante Methode De Francais 1" is a va...


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