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Shiva Trilogy 2 The Secret Of The Nagas


By Amish Tripathi (Author)   By  Westland Publication Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2012
ISBN :9789381626344
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/119/2/457
Pages :400
Publisher :Westland Publication Limited


The Secret Of The Nagas is the second book in the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi. The book follows the journey of Lord Shiva, a human who is believed to be the savior of the world. In this book, Shiva is on a quest to find the Nagas, a group of people who are believed to be evil and responsible for the destruction of his kingdom. As Shiva travels through the land of Meluha, he encounters many challenges and enemies. Along the way, he meets Kali, a fierce warrior who becomes his ally in the fight against the Nagas. Together, they must navigate through a world filled with danger and deceit, as they search for the truth about the Nagas and their role in the world. The Secret Of The Nagas is a thrilling adventure that explores themes of good versus evil, loyalty, and sacrifice. It is a unique blend of mythology, history, and fantasy that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The book features stunning illustrations and a unique structure that sets it apart from other books in its genre. Critics have praised The Secret Of The Nagas for its gripping plot, well-developed charact...


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