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The Quest For Paradise The Return To The Kingdom Of Fantasy


By Geronimo Stilton (Author)   By  Scholastic Incorporated  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Hardback
Publication Date : 2010
ISBN :9780545253079
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/18/2/998
Pages :281
Publisher :Scholastic Incorporated


Join Geronimo Stilton on an epic adventure in "The Quest For Paradise: The Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy." In this thrilling installment of the Kingdom of Fantasy series, Geronimo embarks on a quest to find the hidden Paradise of the Dragons, a mythical land of beauty and wonder. As Geronimo and his friends journey through fantastical realms and face dangerous challenges, they must rely on their courage, wit, and teamwork to overcome obstacles and unravel the mysteries of the ancient kingdom. Along the way, they encounter magical creatures, ancient prophecies, and unexpected allies, all leading them closer to their ultimate goal. With its engaging storytelling, lovable characters, and captivating illustrations, "The Quest For Paradise" is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. Geronimo Stilton's signature humor and charm shine through in this enchanting tale, making it a delightful read for readers of all ages. Praise for "The Quest For Paradise: The Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy": - "A thrilling and imaginative journey that will captivate readers from start to finis...


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