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The Phantom Of The Subway 13


By Geronimo Stilton (Author)   By  Scholastic Incorporated  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2004
ISBN :9780439661621
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/150/4/657
Pages :112
Publisher :Scholastic Incorporated


In "The Phantom of the Subway 13" by Geronimo Stilton, readers are taken on a thrilling adventure with the famous mouse journalist as he investigates a mysterious phantom haunting the subway tunnels of New Mouse City. As Geronimo delves into the case, he uncovers a web of secrets and dangers that threaten to derail his investigation. The book is filled with suspense, humor, and heartwarming moments as Geronimo and his friends work together to solve the mystery of the phantom. With its engaging plot and lovable characters, "The Phantom of the Subway 13" is sure to captivate readers of all ages. Key features of the book include Geronimo's signature storytelling style, which combines humor and adventure to create a truly unique reading experience. The book also features charming illustrations that bring the story to life and enhance the overall reading experience. Praise for "The Phantom of the Subway 13" includes reviews that highlight the book's engaging plot, lovable characters, and clever storytelling. Readers have praised Geronimo Stilton for his ability to create a fun and ente...


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