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The Orient Blackswan School Atlas

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2012
ISBN :9788125044758
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/246/3/254
Pages :132
Publisher :Orient Blackswan Private Limited


The Orient BlackSwan School Atlas by Sangam Books (India) Pvt. Ltd is an essential tool for students and educators alike. This comprehensive atlas covers a wide range of topics, from physical geography and climate to political boundaries and cultural landmarks. The atlas is unique in its approach, providing detailed maps and information on a variety of regions, including India, Asia, and the world at large. It also includes thematic maps that explore topics such as population density, natural resources, and transportation networks. One of the standout features of this atlas is its beautiful illustrations and detailed maps, which are designed to help students better understand the world around them. Additionally, the atlas includes a wealth of information on each region, including key historical events and cultural traditions. Positive reviews of this atlas praise its accuracy, clarity, and usefulness in the classroom. According to one reviewer, "The Orient BlackSwan School Atlas is an indispensable resource for any student or educator looking to gain a deeper understanding of ou...


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