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The Game Changers


By Others (Author)   By  Random  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2012
ISBN :9788184002737
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/39/2/4
Pages :262
Publisher :


The Game Changers, published by Random, is a riveting exploration of the world of sports and the people who have transformed it. The book delves into the lives of some of the most influential figures in sports history, from legendary coaches to groundbreaking athletes, and examines how they have changed the game forever. Through a series of compelling stories and insightful analysis, The Game Changers explores the key themes that have shaped the world of sports, from the rise of women's sports to the impact of technology on competition. The book also highlights the challenges and obstacles that these trailblazers faced, and the perseverance and determination that allowed them to overcome adversity and achieve greatness. One of the standout features of The Game Changers is its beautiful illustrations, which bring the stories to life in vivid detail. The book has received widespread critical acclaim, with reviewers praising its engaging storytelling and thought-provoking insights. Whether you are a sports fan or simply interested in the people who have shaped our world, The Game Cha...


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