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Textbook Of Human Histology With Colour Atlas 4e


By Inderbir Singh (Author)   By  Jp  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2002
ISBN :8171799671
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/180/8/102
Pages :355
Publisher :JP


The Textbook of Human Histology with Colour Atlas 4E by Inderbir Singh is an essential resource for medical students and professionals seeking to gain a thorough understanding of human histology. This highly detailed and comprehensive textbook provides a clear and concise overview of the structure and function of human tissues, including their development, growth, and differentiation. The book is organized into chapters that cover different types of tissues, including epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissue. Each chapter includes detailed descriptions of the cells and structures that make up the tissue, as well as their functions and roles in the body. One of the standout features of this textbook is its full-color atlas, which includes over 500 high-quality illustrations and photographs of human tissues. These images provide a visual guide to the different types of tissues and structures, helping readers to better understand the complex relationships between cells and tissues. The Textbook of Human Histology with Colour Atlas 4E has received positive reviews from medic...


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