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The Peculiar Pumpkin Thiff 42


By Geronimo Stilton (Author)   By  Scholastic Inc Ltd  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2003
ISBN :9780545103725
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/425/1/75
Pages :95
Publisher :Scholastic Inc Ltd


"The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief 42" by G. Stilton is a delightful children's book that follows the adventures of a young mouse named Geronimo Stilton. The book centers around a mysterious pumpkin thief who has been stealing pumpkins all over Mouse Island. Geronimo Stilton, being the curious mouse that he is, sets out to solve the mystery of the pumpkin thief. As Geronimo Stilton delves deeper into the mystery, he encounters a cast of quirky characters, including a pumpkin farmer, a pumpkin pie baker, and a pumpkin carving artist. Through his interactions with these characters, Geronimo Stilton learns about the importance of community and teamwork. One of the standout features of "The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief 42" is the beautiful illustrations that accompany the text. The illustrations are colorful and whimsical, bringing the story to life in a way that is sure to delight young readers. The book has received glowing reviews from readers and critics alike. One reviewer praised the book for its "charming characters and engaging plot," while another called it "a must-read for any young read...


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