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The Merchant Of Venice


By William Shakespeare (Author)   By  Penguin Books Usa  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2005
ISBN :9780141013954
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/122/3/275
Pages :150
Publisher :Penguin Books Usa


"The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare is a captivating play that explores themes of love, justice, and prejudice. Set in 16th century Venice, the story revolves around a wealthy merchant named Antonio who borrows money from a Jewish moneylender named Shylock to help his friend, Bassanio, woo the beautiful Portia. However, when Antonio fails to repay the loan, Shylock demands a pound of his flesh as repayment. This play delves into the complexities of human nature, highlighting the power of love and mercy in the face of discrimination and revenge. Shakespeare masterfully crafts a tale that challenges societal norms, as characters grapple with their own biases and prejudices. The character of Shylock, in particular, is a fascinating portrayal of a misunderstood and marginalized figure, provoking discussions on anti-Semitism and the nature of justice. One of the standout features of "The Merchant of Venice" is Shakespeare's poetic language, which brings the characters and their emotions to life. His use of metaphors and vivid descriptions creates a rich and immersive reading...


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