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The Man In The Iron Mask Classic Starts


By Alexandre Dumas (Author)   By  Sterling Publishers Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Hardback
Publication Date : 2008
ISBN :9781402745799
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/78/3/400
Pages :155
Publisher :Sterling Publishers Private Limited


The Man in the Iron Mask Classic Starts by Alexandre Dumas is a thrilling adventure novel that transports readers to 17th century France. The story follows the musketeers Athos, Porthos, and Aramis as they attempt to uncover a plot to replace King Louis XIV with his secret twin brother, who has been imprisoned in an iron mask for years. Along the way, they encounter a host of colorful characters, including the cunning Cardinal Mazarin and the beautiful but treacherous Lady de Winter. At its core, The Man in the Iron Mask is a story about loyalty, betrayal, and the struggle for power. It explores themes of identity, justice, and the corrupting influence of absolute power. The novel is filled with action-packed scenes, including sword fights, daring escapes, and political intrigue. One of the standout features of this book is Dumas's vivid and engaging writing style, which brings the characters and setting to life in a way that few other authors can match. The Classic Starts edition also includes beautiful illustrations that add an extra layer of depth and visual appeal to the story...


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