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The Journey Through Time


By Jeronimo Stilton (Author)   By  Scholastic Inc Ltd  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Hardback
Publication Date : 2014
ISBN :9789351031932
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/41/5/486
Pages :280
Publisher :Scholastic Inc Ltd


In "The Journey Through Time" by Jeronimo Stilton, readers are taken on an exciting adventure through history with Geronimo and his friends. When Professor Paws von Volt invents a time machine, the group sets off on a mission to explore different time periods and learn about the past. As they travel through time, they encounter famous historical figures, witness key events, and even find themselves in the middle of some dangerous situations. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about history, friendship, and the importance of working together. With its engaging storytelling, colorful illustrations, and educational content, "The Journey Through Time" is a unique and entertaining book that will captivate readers of all ages. Fans of the Geronimo Stilton series will especially enjoy this new installment as it combines the beloved characters with an exciting time-traveling twist. Praise for the book includes, "A fun and educational journey through history that will keep readers entertained from start to finish" - Booklist Overall, "The Journey Through Time" is a delightful and ...


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