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Remember Me


By Sophie Kinsella (Author)   By  Bantam Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2008
ISBN :9780593053904
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/157/5/232
Pages :352
Publisher :Bantam Books


"Remember Me" by Sophie Kinsella is a delightful novel about a woman named Lexi Smart who wakes up in a hospital with amnesia, unable to remember the past three years of her life. As she tries to piece together what happened, she discovers that she's a successful businesswoman with a handsome husband and a luxurious lifestyle. However, as she starts to uncover the truth about her past, she realizes that things aren't as perfect as they seem. The main themes of the book include identity, self-discovery, and the importance of relationships. Through Lexi's journey, readers are taken on a wild ride full of twists and turns as she navigates her way through her forgotten life. One of the standout features of the book is Kinsella's witty and engaging writing style, which makes for a fun and entertaining read. Additionally, the book has received positive reviews from reputable sources, with The New York Times Book Review calling it "a delicious page-turner." Overall, "Remember Me" is a charming and heartwarming novel that will appeal to fans of chick lit and romantic comedies. With its re...


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