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Rekha The Untold Story


By Yasser Usman (Author)   By  Juggernaut  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Hardback
Publication Date : 2016
ISBN :9788193284186
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/05/5/659
Pages :240
Publisher :Juggernaut


"Rekha: The Untold Story" by Yasser Usman is a captivating biography that delves into the life of one of Bollywood's most enigmatic and iconic actresses, Rekha. With meticulous research and exclusive interviews, Usman uncovers the untold story of Rekha's journey from a young girl with dreams of stardom to a legendary actress who has left an indelible mark on Indian cinema. The book explores Rekha's tumultuous personal life, her rise to fame in the film industry, and the controversies that have surrounded her over the years. From her relationships with leading men to her transformation into a style icon, "Rekha: The Untold Story" offers a comprehensive look at the woman behind the glamorous facade. One of the standout features of the book is Usman's ability to bring Rekha's story to life with vivid detail and engaging prose. Readers will be drawn into the world of Bollywood in the 70s and 80s, where Rekha reigned supreme as a leading lady and a force to be reckoned with. Praise for the book has been widespread, with critics lauding Usman's thorough research and compelling storytell...


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