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Pizzas And Pasta


By Tarla Dalal (Author)   By  Sanjay And Company  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2005
ISBN :818646932
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/194/3/229
Pages :83
Publisher :sanjay and company


About the Book: The Upanishads: A Sacred Journey of Wisdom and Spirituality

Embark on an enlightening expedition into the mystical world of the Upanishads, where the boundaries of time and consciousness blur. in The Upanishads, ancient wisdom cascades through millennia, whispering truths that transcend the limitations of human understanding.

This book is an odyssey into the depths of spiritual philosophy, where seekers explore the nature of reality, the self and the cosmos. immerse yourself in the meditative verses that contemplate the essence of existence, the intricacies of karma and the paths to liberation.

These sacred texts invite you to witness dialogues between revered sages and their disciples, unveiling profound insights into the nature of reality. From the cosmic dance of creation to the pursuit of self-realization, each Upanishad unfurls a unique facet of the universal truth.

The Upanishads is an invitation to traverse the bridges between ancient mysticism and contemporary introspection. Let the poetic verses resonate with your soul...


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