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New Science Ahead 5


By Sumitra Siromani (Author)   By  Orient Blackswan Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2021
ISBN :9788125063575
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/71/2/371
Pages :149
Publisher :Orient Blackswan Private Limited


"New Science Ahead 5" by Sumitra Siromani is a comprehensive science textbook designed for students at the fifth-grade level. The book covers a wide range of scientific topics, from the basics of biology and chemistry to more advanced concepts in physics and environmental science. The book is unique in its approach to teaching science, offering clear explanations and engaging activities that help students develop a deep understanding of key scientific principles. The text is accompanied by colorful illustrations and diagrams that make complex ideas easy to grasp, and each chapter includes hands-on experiments and projects that allow students to apply their knowledge in a practical way. One of the standout features of "New Science Ahead 5" is its focus on real-world applications of scientific concepts. The book explores how science is used in everyday life, from the technology we use to the environmental issues facing our planet. This approach helps students see the relevance of science to their own lives and encourages them to think critically about the world around them. Positiv...


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