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Nate The Great


By Marjorie Weinman Sharmat (Author)   By  A Yearling Book  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2004
ISBN :9780440461265
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/105/6/534
Pages :75
Publisher :A Yearling Book


Nate the Great by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat is a classic children's book that follows the adventures of a young detective named Nate. With his trusty dog, Sludge, by his side, Nate solves mysteries big and small in his neighborhood. The book's plot revolves around Nate's search for his friend Annie's missing picture. Along the way, he uses his detective skills to interview suspects, follow clues, and solve the case. The book's overarching themes include problem-solving, perseverance, and the importance of friendship. One of the standout features of Nate the Great is its charming illustrations by Marc Simont, which bring the story to life. The book has received numerous positive reviews over the years, with reviewers praising its engaging storyline and relatable characters. For parents or educators looking to introduce young readers to the mystery genre, Nate the Great is a great choice. Its simple language and relatable characters make it an accessible read for children just starting to explore chapter books. Overall, Nate the Great is a delightful book that is sure to captiva...


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