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Chemistry Class 6 Icse Schools


By Dr Viraf J Dalal (Author)   By  Allied Publishers  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 0
ISBN :9789389934007
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/220/7/250
Pages :96
Publisher :allied publishers


"Chemistry Class 6 ICSE Schools" by Dr. Viraf J. Dalal is a comprehensive guide to help students understand the fundamental concepts of chemistry. The book is specifically designed for students studying in ICSE schools and covers all the essential topics in an easy-to-understand manner. The book covers topics such as matter, elements, compounds, mixtures, acids, bases, and salts. It also includes exercises and practice questions to help students test their understanding of the subject matter. The book is written in a simple language and includes numerous examples and illustrations to help students grasp the concepts easily. One of the standout features of the book is its focus on real-life applications of chemistry. The book includes examples of how chemistry is used in everyday life, making it easier for students to relate to the subject matter. The book also includes a glossary of terms and a comprehensive index, making it easy for students to locate information quickly. According to a review by a leading education portal, "Chemistry Class 6 ICSE Schools" is an excellent resourc...


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