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My Oxford Modern English Coursebook 1


By David Horsburgh (Author)   By  Oxford University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9780199467266
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/200/3/228
Pages :104
Publisher :oxford university press


My Oxford Modern English Coursebook 1, written by David Horsburgh, is a comprehensive textbook designed for primary school students to develop their English language skills. The book covers a range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing, to help students become proficient in English. The coursebook is divided into different units, each with its own theme and set of activities. The themes are diverse and engaging, such as "My Family and Friends," "Holidays and Festivals," and "Animals and their Habitats." The activities are interactive and encourage students to participate actively in the learning process. The book also includes stories, poems, and informational texts that are designed to engage students and help them develop their reading comprehension skills. What makes My Oxford Modern English Coursebook 1 unique is its focus on developing communication skills. The book emphasizes the importance of speaking and listening skills and provides opportunities for students to practice these skills in a variety of contexts. The book also includes ac...


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