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School Atlas


By Others (Author)   By  Macmillan Publishers India Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2014
ISBN :9789350596289
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/431/4/156
Pages :132
Publisher :Macmillan Publishers India Limited


The SCHOOL ATLAS by Macmillan is a comprehensive guide to the world's geography, designed specifically for students. This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their understanding of the earth's physical and political features. The atlas covers a wide range of topics, including maps of different countries and regions, climate patterns, and natural resources. It also includes detailed information on population density, transportation networks, and major cities around the world. One of the standout features of this atlas is its beautiful illustrations and detailed maps. The book is filled with colorful graphics and informative diagrams that help bring the world to life. Additionally, the atlas is organized in a clear and easy-to-navigate format, making it an ideal resource for students of all ages. According to positive reviews, the SCHOOL ATLAS by Macmillan is an excellent resource for students and educators alike. The book has been praised for its comprehensive coverage of the world's geography, as well as its engaging and informative illustrations. Overall,...


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