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Looking Around Textbook For Class 3 Environmental Studies

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2017
ISBN :8174504907
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/58/7/359
Pages :155
Publisher :National Council of Educational Research and Training


"Looking Around Textbook for Class 3 Environmental Studies" is a comprehensive guide designed for young learners to explore the world around them. Written by a team of expert authors, this textbook covers a wide range of topics related to environmental studies, including nature, animals, plants, and conservation. The book is filled with engaging activities, colorful illustrations, and interactive exercises that make learning fun and interactive for students. Through its engaging content, the textbook aims to instill a sense of curiosity and appreciation for the environment in young readers. Key features of the book include easy-to-understand language, clear explanations, and a focus on practical learning. The book also includes real-life examples and case studies to help students connect with the concepts being taught. Positive reviews of the book praise its engaging content, interactive approach, and relevance to the school curriculum. Teachers and parents alike appreciate the book for its ability to make complex concepts accessible to young learners. Overall, "Looking Around Te...


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