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Isc Chemistry Part 1 Class 11 General And Physical Chemistry


By K L Chugh (Author)   By  Kalyani Publishers  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2016
ISBN :9789327263084
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/72/8/109
Pages :800
Publisher :kalyani publishers


ISC CHEMISTRY PART 1 CLASS 11 GENERAL AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY by K L CHUGH is a comprehensive guide for students studying chemistry at the high school level. The book covers all the essential topics in general and physical chemistry, including atomic structure, chemical bonding, states of matter, chemical thermodynamics, and more. The author presents the material in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for students to understand and apply the concepts. The book also includes numerous examples and practice problems to help students reinforce their understanding of the material. One of the standout features of this book is its emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking. The author provides detailed explanations of how to approach and solve different types of problems, helping students develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. The book has received positive reviews from students and teachers alike, with many praising its clarity, organization, and helpful examples. One reviewer notes, "This book is an excellent resource for anyone studying chemistry. The explan...


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