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Icse Unravelling Science Physics Coursebook 8


By Purnima Choudhury (Author)   By  Pearson Education Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2017
ISBN :9789332584280
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/171/6/528
Pages :131
Publisher :Pearson Education Limited


ICSE Unravelling Science Physics Coursebook 8 by Purnima Choudhury is an essential guide for students studying physics in the ICSE curriculum. This book is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject, covering all the important concepts and topics in a clear and concise manner. The plot of the book revolves around the exploration of various scientific principles and laws in the field of physics. It delves into topics such as motion, force, energy, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism, among others. Through engaging explanations and examples, the book aims to help students grasp these complex concepts with ease. What sets this book apart is its unique approach to teaching physics. It not only focuses on theoretical knowledge but also emphasizes practical applications and real-life examples. The book encourages students to think critically and apply their understanding to solve problems and analyze scientific phenomena. One of the standout features of this book is its beautiful illustrations and diagrams. These visual aids not only enhance the learning exper...


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