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Icse Physics For Class 9


By K N Sharma (Author)   By  Kalyani Publishers  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2018
ISBN :9789327272154
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/410/7/126
Pages :255
Publisher :Kalyani Publishers


ICSE Physics for Class 9 by K N Sharma is an essential guide for students studying physics in the ICSE curriculum. This book is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject and help students excel in their examinations. The book covers all the important topics in physics, including mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity, and magnetism. It follows a systematic approach, presenting the concepts in a clear and concise manner. Each chapter includes detailed explanations, examples, and practice problems to reinforce the learning. One of the standout features of this book is its emphasis on conceptual understanding. It goes beyond rote memorization and encourages students to think critically and apply their knowledge to solve real-life problems. The book also includes numerous illustrations, diagrams, and graphs to aid visual learners in grasping complex concepts. Positive reviews of ICSE Physics for Class 9 praise its comprehensive coverage of the syllabus and its user-friendly approach. According to renowned educators, this book is an invaluable resource for st...


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