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I Am Malala


By Malala Yousafzai (Author)   By  Weidenfeld And Nicolson  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
ISBN :9781780226583
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/168/1/260
Pages :293
Publisher :weidenfeld and nicolson


I Am Malala is a powerful memoir by Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Co-written with Christina Lamb, the book tells the story of Malala's childhood in the Swat Valley of Pakistan, where she grew up under Taliban rule and fought for the right to attend school. The book follows Malala's journey from a young girl who loved learning and dreamed of becoming a doctor, to a global icon for human rights and education. Malala's activism eventually led to her being targeted by the Taliban, who shot her in the head on her way to school. Miraculously, Malala survived and continued to speak out for education and women's rights, becoming a symbol of hope and inspiration for people around the world. One of the key themes of the book is the importance of education, particularly for girls in countries where they are often denied this right. Malala's passion for learning and her determination to fight for her education is truly inspiring, and her story sheds light on the struggles faced by millions of girls around the world. In ...


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