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Golden Hindi For Class 8 Golden Hindi For Class 9


By Chandra Soumya (Author)   By  New Age International Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 0
ISBN :9788122423686
Language :Hindi
Rack No. :KOL/177/2/1
Pages :440
Publisher :New Age International Private Limited


Golden Hindi For Class 8 and Golden Hindi For Class 9 by author Sowmya Chandra are comprehensive textbooks designed for students in the eighth and ninth grades. These books are specifically tailored to help students develop a strong foundation in the Hindi language, covering essential grammar rules, vocabulary, and language skills. The main themes of these textbooks revolve around enhancing students' proficiency in Hindi, enabling them to read, write, and communicate effectively in the language. The books feature engaging exercises, examples, and activities that cater to different learning styles, making the learning process interactive and enjoyable for students. Key features of Golden Hindi For Class 8 and Golden Hindi For Class 9 include clear explanations of grammar concepts, diverse reading passages, and exercises that encourage critical thinking and language practice. The books also incorporate cultural elements to provide students with a broader understanding of Hindi language and literature. Positive reviews of these textbooks highlight their user-friendly layout, comprehe...


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