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General Knowledge Times Class 4


By Sr Vijaya (Author)   By  Goyal Brothers Prakashan  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 0
ISBN :9789387644847
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/198/5/278
Pages :84
Publisher :Goyal Brothers Prakashan


"General Knowledge Times Class 4" by SR Vijaya is an informative and engaging book designed for young readers. This book covers a wide range of topics, including history, geography, science, and literature, providing children with a comprehensive understanding of the world around them. The book is structured in a way that makes learning fun and interactive. It includes colorful illustrations, quizzes, and puzzles that encourage children to actively engage with the material. The book also features interesting facts and stories that help bring the topics to life. One of the standout features of this book is its focus on critical thinking and problem-solving. It encourages children to think creatively and develop their analytical skills, making it an invaluable resource for both parents and teachers. According to positive reviews, "General Knowledge Times Class 4" is an excellent resource for children who are curious about the world around them. It is engaging, informative, and easy to understand, making it an ideal book for young readers. Overall, "General Knowledge Times Class 4"...


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