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Frank Way To Successful Icse English Literature Class 10


By S Dacosta (Author)   By  Macmilan  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2019
ISBN :9789388826839
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/128/7/312
Pages :290
Publisher :macmilan


"Frank Way to Successful ICSE English Literature Class 10" by S. DaCosta is a comprehensive guide designed to help students excel in their ICSE English Literature exams. The book covers all the key topics and themes required for the Class 10 curriculum, providing detailed explanations, analysis, and sample questions to aid in understanding and retention. The book delves into a wide range of literary works, including poetry, prose, and drama, offering insightful commentary and interpretations to help students appreciate the nuances of each piece. With a focus on critical thinking and analytical skills, "Frank Way to Successful ICSE English Literature Class 10" encourages students to engage deeply with the texts and develop their own interpretations. One of the standout features of this book is its clear and concise explanations, making complex literary concepts easily accessible to students. Additionally, the book includes practice exercises and model answers to help students hone their writing skills and prepare effectively for their exams. Receiving rave reviews from educators an...


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