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Fox Pro 2 5 Made Simple For Dos And Windows


By R K Taxali (Author)   By  Bpb Publications  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 0
ISBN :8170296897
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/01/7/475
Pages :595
Publisher :BPB Publications


"FoxPro 2.5 Made Simple for DOS and Windows" by R K Taxali is a comprehensive guide designed to help readers master the popular database management software, FoxPro 2.5. The book covers both the DOS and Windows versions of the software, providing step-by-step instructions and practical examples to aid in learning the program. With a focus on simplicity and clarity, the book breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand explanations, making it accessible for beginners and experienced users alike. Readers can expect to learn how to create and manage databases, perform queries, design forms and reports, and customize the software to suit their needs. Key features of the book include detailed screenshots, tips and tricks for efficient use of FoxPro 2.5, and troubleshooting guidance for common issues. Whether you are a student, a professional looking to enhance your skills, or simply someone interested in learning about database management, this book is a valuable resource. Positive reviews praise the book for its clear and concise explanations, practical examples, and user-frie...


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