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Evergreen Icse Ekanki Sanchay Abhyas Pustika


By Navendra Penyuli (Author)   By  Evergreen Publications Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2017
ISBN :9789350635063
Language :Hindi
Rack No. :KOL/240/4/272
Pages :94
Publisher :Evergreen Publications Private Limited


"Evergreen ICSE Ekanki Sanchay Abhyas Pustika" by Navendra is a comprehensive study guide designed to help students understand and master the ICSE Hindi textbook "Ekanki Sanchay". This workbook includes a wide range of exercises, questions, and activities that cover all the topics and themes present in the original textbook. The book delves into various plays and stories featured in "Ekanki Sanchay", exploring key characters, events, and conflicts to help students deepen their understanding of the text. By providing detailed explanations and practice exercises, this workbook aims to enhance students' comprehension and analytical skills. Key features of "Evergreen ICSE Ekanki Sanchay Abhyas Pustika" include clear and concise explanations, engaging activities, and practice questions that cater to different learning styles. The book also includes solutions to help students check their answers and track their progress. Positive reviews of the workbook praise its user-friendly format, comprehensive coverage of the ICSE Hindi syllabus, and helpful exercises that reinforce learning. Stud...


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