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Developing Management Skills 8/E

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2011
ISBN :9788120342101
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/65/5/302
Pages :720
Publisher :Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited


"Developing Management Skills 8/E" by Whetten D is a comprehensive guide that helps readers develop the essential skills needed to succeed in a management role. The book covers a wide range of topics, including communication, decision making, leadership, and teamwork, providing practical strategies and techniques that can be applied in real-world scenarios. The main themes of the book revolve around effective management practices and the importance of developing strong leadership skills. Through case studies, exercises, and self-assessment tools, readers are able to enhance their understanding of key management concepts and improve their ability to lead and motivate others. Key features of the book include a focus on experiential learning, with opportunities for readers to practice and apply the skills they learn. The book also includes updated content on contemporary management issues, making it a valuable resource for both new and experienced managers. Positive reviews of the book praise its practical approach to management skills development and its relevance to the challenges ...


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