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Design And Analysis Of Algorithms


By Mukesh Gupta (Author)   By  Genius  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2011
ISBN :9788188870851
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/165/5/263
Pages :350
Publisher :Genius


"Design and Analysis of Algorithms" by Mukesh Gupta is a comprehensive guide that delves into the intricate world of algorithms. The book covers a wide range of topics, from basic algorithms to advanced data structures, providing readers with a solid foundation in the principles of algorithm design. Readers can expect to learn about key concepts such as sorting, searching, dynamic programming, and graph algorithms, as well as how to analyze and optimize algorithms for efficiency. The book also explores real-world applications of algorithms in areas such as networking, cryptography, and artificial intelligence. One of the standout features of this book is its clear and concise explanations, making complex algorithms accessible to readers of all levels. The author's practical approach to problem-solving and algorithm design sets this book apart from others in the field. Positive reviews of "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" praise its practical examples, thorough explanations, and relevance to the ever-evolving field of computer science. Readers have found the book to be an invalua...


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