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Democratic Politics 1 For Class 9


By Ncert (Author)   By  Ncert  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2019
ISBN :8174505377
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/186/3/244
Pages :112
Publisher :NCERT


"Democratic Politics 1 For Class 9" is a comprehensive textbook that introduces students to the fundamental principles of democracy and politics. Written by a team of expert authors, this book covers a wide range of topics, including the meaning and significance of democracy, the structure and functioning of the government, and the role of citizens in a democratic society. The book is unique in its approach, providing clear explanations and engaging examples to help students understand complex political concepts. It also includes thought-provoking questions and activities to encourage critical thinking and active participation in the learning process. Key features of "Democratic Politics 1 For Class 9" include informative illustrations, helpful summaries at the end of each chapter, and a glossary of important terms. These features make the book an invaluable resource for students looking to deepen their understanding of politics and democracy. Positive reviews of the book praise its accessibility and relevance to students, with one reviewer noting, "This textbook does an excellent...


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