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Cosmos For Class 3


By M Sharma (Author)   By  World Rights  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2017-08
ISBN :9780199482931
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/228/5/185
Pages :136
Publisher :World Rights


"Cosmos For Class 3" by M Sharma is an engaging and informative book designed for young readers in the third grade. This educational book delves into the fascinating world of space and the cosmos, introducing young minds to the wonders of the universe. Through colorful illustrations and easy-to-understand language, "Cosmos For Class 3" explores key concepts such as the solar system, planets, stars, and galaxies. Readers will learn about the different celestial bodies that make up our universe and gain a deeper appreciation for the vastness and beauty of space. One of the standout features of this book is its visually appealing presentation, with stunning illustrations that bring the cosmos to life on the page. The book also includes interactive activities and quizzes to engage young readers and reinforce their understanding of the material. Positive reviews of "Cosmos For Class 3" praise its ability to make complex scientific concepts accessible to children, sparking their curiosity and imagination. Parents and teachers alike appreciate the book's educational value and engaging fo...


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