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Concise Mathematics Class 9


By Rk Bansal (Author)   By  Selina Publishers  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2021
ISBN :9789388594394
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/87/1/595
Pages :384
Publisher :Selina Publishers


"Concise Mathematics Class 9" by Rk Bansal is a comprehensive guide designed to help students understand and master the concepts of mathematics at the ninth-grade level. The book covers a wide range of topics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics, providing clear explanations and step-by-step solutions to help students build a strong foundation in mathematics. This book stands out for its concise and easy-to-understand explanations, making complex mathematical concepts accessible to students of all levels. The book also includes numerous practice problems and exercises to help students reinforce their understanding and improve their problem-solving skills. Positive reviews of "Concise Mathematics Class 9" praise the book for its clarity, thoroughness, and helpful practice materials. According to one reviewer, the book is an essential resource for students looking to excel in mathematics and build a solid understanding of the subject. Overall, "Concise Mathematics Class 9" is a valuable resource for students seeking to improve their mathematical skills and achi...


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