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Connect With Science Chemistry For Class 8


By Preeti Saxena (Author)   By  Oxford University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9780190122126
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/209/3/203
Pages :176
Publisher :Oxford University Press


"Connect with Science Chemistry for Class 8" by Preeti Saxena is a comprehensive textbook designed for students in the eighth grade. This book covers all the essential topics in chemistry, providing a solid foundation for further studies in the subject. The book explores key concepts such as matter, atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, chemical reactions, and more. It presents these topics in a clear and engaging manner, making it easy for students to grasp complex ideas. The text is accompanied by colorful illustrations and diagrams that help reinforce learning and make the material more accessible. One of the standout features of this book is its focus on practical applications of chemistry in everyday life. By connecting theoretical concepts to real-world examples, students can better understand the relevance of chemistry in their lives. Overall, "Connect with Science Chemistry for Class 8" is a valuable resource for students looking to build a strong foundation in chemistry. With its clear explanations, engaging visuals, and practical approach, this book is sure to enhance t...


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