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Click Start 6 Computer Sccience For School


By Anjna Virmani (Author)   By  Cambridge University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9781108855686
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/108/7/264
Pages :162
Publisher :cambridge university press


"Click Start 6: Computer Science for School" by Anjna Virmani is an engaging and informative book designed to introduce young students to the world of computer science. The book is filled with interactive activities, colorful illustrations, and easy-to-understand explanations that make learning about computers fun and accessible. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of computer hardware and software to more advanced concepts like coding and programming. Along the way, readers will meet a variety of engaging characters who help guide them through the learning process. One of the standout features of "Click Start 6" is its focus on hands-on learning. The book includes a variety of interactive activities and exercises that allow students to apply what they've learned in a fun and engaging way. This approach helps to reinforce key concepts and ensure that students are able to retain what they've learned. Positive reviews of "Click Start 6" praise its engaging and accessible approach to teaching computer science. One reviewer notes that the book "makes learning about...


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