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Bharat Ki Khoj Ncert For Class 8


By Ncert (Author)   By  Ncert  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2019
ISBN :9788174508324
Language :Hindi
Rack No. :KOL/238/3/326
Pages :130
Publisher :National Council of Educational Research and Training


"Bharat Ki Khoj NCERT For Class 8" is an educational book that delves into the history of India, exploring key events, figures, and themes that have shaped the nation over the centuries. Written by various authors, this book provides a comprehensive overview of India's rich cultural heritage, political history, and social developments. The book covers a wide range of topics, from ancient civilizations and empires to the struggle for independence and the challenges faced by modern India. Through engaging narratives and informative illustrations, readers will gain a deeper understanding of India's past and present, as well as the forces that have influenced its development. Key features of "Bharat Ki Khoj NCERT For Class 8" include detailed maps, timelines, and biographical sketches of important historical figures. These resources help bring the history of India to life, making it accessible and engaging for students and general readers alike. Positive reviews of the book praise its comprehensive coverage of Indian history, its clear and concise writing style, and its ability to mak...


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