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Basic Science For Class 8

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2018
ISBN :9788177097788
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/03/5/28
Pages :202
Publisher :Bharati Bhawan Publishers And Distributors


Basic Science For Class 8 by Amarnath Mishra and G Mehta is a comprehensive textbook designed to help students in the eighth grade understand the fundamental concepts of science. The book covers a wide range of topics including physics, chemistry, and biology, presenting the information in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. The main themes of the book revolve around building a strong foundation in science and promoting a love for learning. Through engaging text and illustrative diagrams, students are able to grasp complex scientific concepts with ease. The book also includes practical examples and real-life applications to make the content more relatable and interesting for young readers. Key features of Basic Science For Class 8 include colorful illustrations, informative diagrams, and interactive exercises that encourage students to apply their knowledge. The book is structured in a way that allows for easy navigation and comprehension, making it an ideal resource for both classroom learning and self-study. Positive reviews of the book praise its clear explanations, engaging...


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